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Prems Token Packs
Prems tokens allow you to become a Premium member and, if you wish, also allow you to upgrade one or more of your leagues to Premium... More information.
Premium account / Premium league

A Premium account unlocks all the benefits (reserved content, no ads, email alerts...) for all leagues of the member.
A Premium league unlocks all the benefits to all its members, but only for the league.
A sponsor for a Premium league is a member who allocates tokens to it. He will always be a Premium member.

How does it work?

To become a Premium member simply purchase a token pack. Your Premium account will be automatically activated and it will consume the tokens to stay that way. Each token is valid for 24 hours and renewal is only done if you are logged into the site. The alerts in case of forgetfulness will work as long as the account is activated.

At any time your Premium account can be paused on the token management page. This will stop withdrawals and deactivate all contributions you have made to your leagues (a sponsor can only be a Premium member).

To upgrade one of your leagues to Premium, you must allocate tokens from your pool to it. This action is performed on the token management page and is done by activating the league. You will then be able to change the quantity, or cancel your contribution.

When a league is Premium, each non Premium member will consume a token to benefit from the advantages. This token will be valid for 24 hours, and renewal is only done if the member is logged into the site. The alerts in case of forgetfulness will work as long as the league has allocated tokens.

Who can become a league sponsor ?

All members of the league and there can be several sponsors.

How are the tokens removed ?

When a token is used for a Premium account, it is removed from the member's pool. If the member has allocated all of their stash to their leagues, the token will also be deducted from one of their leagues, chosen at random.

For a Premium league, the token is taken from the pool of one of its sponsors, chosen randomly. A sponsor will only consume tokens from his own pool and will be a Premium member. If a non-Premium member has multiple Premium leagues, he will consume one token from each league.

A Premium member by subscription will never consume tokens for the entire period covered. At the end of this period, the tokens will take over if the option is activated for a Premium account, or automatically for Premium leagues.

Tokens needed 0
After deduction of the defined reduction (days off, abandonments...)
Iron Pack 2€ 30 tokens
Silver Pack 5€ 100 tokens
Gold Pack 42€ 1000 tokens
Platinum Pack 350€ 10000 tokens
Total0 token
Any request for a quote can be made using the contact form at the bottom of the page
Subscriptions  (non-renewable)
Subscriptions are the other option to become a Premium member. To be preferred if you are a frequent user of the site.
Make a donation
If you want to support the site in another way and without looking to become a Premium member, you can simply make a donation on tipeee.
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